Studies in Corpus Linguistics is published by MARS Publishers.

Authorship Criteria

SiCL requires that anyone listed as an author on a manuscript submission meet all of the following criteria:

Substantial Intellectual Contribution

  • The individual has made significant intellectual contributions to key components of the original work described in the manuscript. This includes conceptualizing the study, designing the methodology, collecting and analyzing data, or interpreting the results.

Participation in Drafting and Revision

  • The individual has actively participated in drafting the manuscript and/or critically revising it for important intellectual content.

Awareness and Accountability

  • The individual is fully aware that the manuscript has been submitted for publication and agrees to be held accountable for any issues related to the accuracy or integrity of the work.

SiCL requires that all published papers include the names and affiliations of all listed authors and provide accurate contact information as mandated in the SiCL rights contract. Anonymous authorship is not permitted. Any papers published in SiCL without author names and affiliations may be subject to retraction.

Authors who publish under pen names using designations like “independent consultant” as their affiliation must still provide SiCL with accurate contact information to ensure the journal can reach all authors of published papers.

Other contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship but have contributed to the work in a significant way may be acknowledged at the end of the paper, prior to the bibliography. Their roles should be explicitly described, preferably using the CASRAI Contributor Roles Taxonomy (CRediT) to specify their contributions, such as data curation, software development, or project administration.